superfoods convention

Superfoods convention Platinum Europe Event, 2017!

I am excited to be going to our Platinum Europe convention in June,
in Rosenheim, Germany. Last year I traveled to Cardiff, just to meet
the owner, Dave Sandoval and it was well worth it! I got to meet so
many cool people and many that I have stayed in touch with, this
past year.

This year Dave naturally will be there again, inspiring us
with his vision. We will be drinking our superfood smoothies as we
learn even more about Superfoods, and the latest research.
Also our marketing experts will be there giving us tips and guidance
to help us build our business.

The Platinum event, I am calling it a “’Superfoods Convention’’,
since we’ve got the best in the industry, It will be June 24 & 25, 2017.
Saturday will be the Event day and includes and organic lunch
and Sunday will be a training day.

Can’t wait to re-connect with Dave Sandoval and other people
from last year, meet new European members and receive new
information at our “Superfoods Convention”!

Chandra Lee Krohn
Personal Trainer and Vitality Coach
