Platinum UK, yay! Thank you Purium US!

Platinum UK Health Products (Purium in US),
officially launched last weekend, in Cardiff.

It was a fun filled weekend in Cardiff with other people as passionate and excited
about these products, as I am and connected with fellow Super food brothers,
like Zeeshan Haider Khan!! Lots of great stories of attendees, friends and/or
family members losing weight, getting truly healthy and/or healing themselves,
of large health problems, with the 10 Day Transformation and implementation
of Platinum UK / Purium US products, into their Health Regimen.

Platinum also announced the new children’s nutritional product line,
including an herbal product to help with focus/hyperactivity, called “Focus”.

Was also great to meet the owner, Dave Sandoval, what a cool guy!
So knowledgeable and inspiring!!
So happy people came to meet and share with us in UK/EU,
all the way from the US, from Purium!!!
