Metabolic Fast Introduced in Holland

The words “Metabolic Fast”, “Sport Fast”, “keep muscle” while you “burn fat”, were eye candy sitting on my 10 Day Transformation table.
Yesterday was the first time that I set up a table, in a gym, to share these amazing, organic, whole food products. Exercisers were so ready to discover this detox and “get ripped” system’, those wanting to lose weight and the big muscle guys, in need of a boost.
Whatever words I could choose to use, would not be an exaggeration! By “Metabolic Fast”, I mean literally, during this detox, that you saturate your cells with nutrition (including high quality proteins, used by doctors), as your body burns fat. Nearly every other diet, fast, detox or calorie restriction, would deprive your body of nutrients and potentially cause muscle loss and yo-yo effect. I feel so fortunate to be able to share and introduce the 10 Day Transformation.