Fibrous carbs and phytochemicals

Fibrous carbs and phytochemicals
I hope those words do go well also with the photo on this post which also says “what is that”???
Most vegetables and especially green ones can be classified as “fibrous carbohydrates”.
As the name suggests, these carbs have lots of fiber. Fibrous Carbs are also loaded with phytochemicals.
Phytochemicals are not found in non-plant carbs. Two actions phytochemicals can perform are stimulating
enzymes and protecting cells from oxidation. We consistently learn through research, more about the amazing
actions of phytochemicals and how they work. This is one reason, plant based nutrition popularity, keeps growing.
Because Fibrous carbs contain lots of fiber, they are great colon cleansers. They also do not spike blood sugar
and are difficult to overeat. Fibrous carbs are great as a daily nutrition staple, for a detoxifying diet and for weight loss.
My personal favorite, fibrous carbohydrate meal, is steamed veggies with coconut oil and Himalayan salt
(and crushed garlic if it is not lunchtime). This is also an approved “flex food”, during the 10 Day Transformation cleanse;
click here to find out about the 10 Day Transformation.
People find it hard to believe steamed veggies are one of my favorite things to eat, but when I make them yummy
and make a big portion, they are SO good, give me sustained energy, don’t weigh me down and take 2 minutes
to prep and 5-8 mins to steam. I’m all about being fast and efficient in the kitchen and in the gym!
Try steamed veggies as 80% of a meal and just see how you feel!
Oh and the psychedelic work of art with my post, is a picture of what my bowl always looks like,
after finishing my steamed Red Cabbage; one of the most beautiful fibrous carbs, loaded with phytochemicals.
–Chandra Lee Krohn
Personal Trainer and Vitality Coach