What is the link to make an order and what is the Gift Card Code?
Gift Card Redemption Code: Please email me at Info@vitalchew.com I will reply within 24 hours
Is everything included in the Purium transformation product that I need?
Other than the flex-foods, everything is included the inside the program.
Am I allowed to eat during the 10 days?
Yes, you are allowed to eat during the cleanse. However not all foods are allowed. There is an allow-list of flex foods.
What foods are allowed? What are flex-foods? How much?
These “Flex Foods” are allowed for everyone (If doing a Lifestyle Transformation or an Athletic Transformation, then you will also be allowed a “Flex Meal”; which is this list, plus question re: Lifestyle Transformation):
*Unlimited celery, cucumber, white cabbage and alfalfa sprouts (actually any sprouts)
* May choose from these, 3 times, in one day: Organic apple, Small avocado, 1 cup watermelon, 1 cup blueberries, ½ cup organic veggies,
* Organic Help , Almond, Coconut or Oat milk (a little of one of these in your shakes or herbal teas, are allowed)
* Can sprinkle Himalayan Salt on vegetables and/or organic coconut oil on steamed vegetables, organic spices.
*Unlimited Organic vegetable broth
*Herbal Tea or hot water with lemon and RAW honey or pure stevia drops
Should all I consume be organic?
It is highly recommended this is the case. We also recommend using filtered or mineral water.
Is this product also for vegetarians and vegans?
Yes, all products are suitable for vegetarians, I am vegetarian myself (though very rarely pescetarian.) There are a few items not suitable for vegans, but I can help you adjust your product order.
Is this program hard? Especially for meat eaters?
People all over the USA have tried this product, from cattle ranchers, former fast-food enthusiasts, and people mostly on processed foods and meat diet.
You may consider doing a Lifestyle Transformation. This will allow you to have one approved “Flex Meal” (from the Purium Support Guide you receive after your order is made). You will follow the normal Transformation schedule but in the evening, you will have a meal, instead of a shake. You will still lose a lot of weight, and gain lots of other benefits, but will be an easier transition into a healthier lifestyle.
As this program is designed to help you detox and hydrate you, coffee or soft drinks unfortunately is not allowed. All clients report that after 3 days of not consuming coffee or Coke the physical dependency went away. Clients have reported mild headaches for the first couple of days. Same goes for hard core black tea enthusiasts. The more you hydrate the easier this gets. I recommend switching away from coffee and coke a few days before you start the transformation, so you won’t associate the headache with the cleanse. And fully enjoy the cleanse instead.
Is it possible that I won't lose any weight?
At the very least a minimum amount of weight loss is expected, unless there is a pre-existing condition such has thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems. Also individuals giving up a smoking habit may struggle.
How much weight loss can I expect?
This is really individual. Most people lose 2-15 pounds in 10 days. However, since the cleanse helps to speed your metabolism and resolve issues in digestion you will continue to have an easier time losing weight after the 10 days, Provided you maintain a healthy diet.
What if I don't want to lose weight?
I have done the cleanse myself several times and not because I need to lose weight. My husband, who can’t afford to lose any weight, also uses the products. Many people do the the cleanse to be healthy and feel great. If you are concerned about losing weight, please contact me, so we can make sure you order the right transformation products.
Will I be hungry, even starving?
If you have never done a cleanse before, you probably don’t realize that in the event you would only drink juice and not have any flex-foods you would only experience hunger the first 3 days. After that, you will no longer experience any hunger, which is an interesting experience, because you probably never ate that little in your life. During this cleanse, you are allowed to eat flex-foods, and certain foods you can eat in fact an unlimited amount off. After 3 days you may even find yourself barely eating at all, because the shakes fill you up.
Will I lose muscle? Don't muscles help you lose weight even while you are sitting down?
During this cleanse you will actually have all the nutrients that you need (and more), (non-animal) protein is included in the product, not just carbs through vegetables. In fact you will be eating the most natural and most powerful protein available inside the Amino product that comes with the transformation. Clients even gained muscle!
How much protein do I normally need?
This may be the most debated question in the fitness industry, besides stretching! It depends largely on the TYPE of proteins you will be eating (their amino acid profile and absorbability). This is why we need far less, during the 10 Day Transformation, because the types (completely absorbed amino acid pills and highly absorbable proteins from plant sources; spirulina has some of the most absorbable found!).
In regards to ”health” maintenance, in general, think of 1 gram per kilo of your bodyweight as an absolute bare minimum, when eating ‘’normal foods’’; a general guideline is 0.8 for very sedentary adults, per kilo body weight and 1.4 – 2 grams, for athletes per kilo body weight.
I normally recommend 1.5 – 2 grams for my clients who train hard, weather for marathons, or weight lifting (and they also have protein supplements, like a protein shake for after workouts).
So you multiply the grams x’s your body weight in kilos (ex: 1.5 gr desired protein x 61 kilo’s, your body weight = 91.5 grams needed. For any Americans weighing yourself in pounds, you must first divide your pounds by 2.2, to get kilos.
These guidelines are for general health maintenance.
You can contact me right here.
How many days before the transformation do I need to start adjusting my foods?
I recommend 5 days before the cleanse, but 3 days is good too. I recommend switching away from caffeinated drinks, meat, alcohol, reducing the amount of food you eat, and start eating extremely healthy.
Getting a lot of rest, and make sure that your schedule during first 3 days of the cleanse is not too intensive.
How long does it take for the product to arrive?
People ordering from within the US generally receive their product within 5 working days. Those within Europe it takes longer, 5-10 working days.
What day is a good day to start?
I recommend starting on a Saturday as the first few days you have to adjust a little and get used to it. I also recommended to take plenty of rest on those days. However, technically you may begin this cleanse any time, many people do a Transformation, while traveling.
Will I need to quickly chug down my shake, so I do not gag?
No, hopefully you will enjoy them. Most people learn to like them, even if they do not take to them initially. Blending your shake in a blender with any of the approved flex foods, can be helpful if you do not like the taste by itself. Even adding stevia drops and cinnamon can help if you do not like it; otherwise, try a little apple juice.
Drink shakes from beautiful glass. It is your meal, so make it special! And serve your ‘’evening cocktail” in a wine glass or martini glass, it will be the same color as red wine.
Are there different things I should do each day?
We recommend taking it easy the first 2-3 days, from then on just lead your life while being on the program and try to stay relaxed. I highly recommend you stop and smell the roses and truly enjoy the process. Allow for a detoxification of the mind and a life changing experience. Instead of going full throttle and experience stress.
Can I work or travel during the transformation?
Yes you can, though with extremely intensive s physical schedules it is wise if you contact me first so I can advise you. I have had clients doing physical labor and traveling, but needed to make a few adjustments.
Can I workout during the transformation?
The first 3 days it is recommended you rest and do not workout. Walking or stretching is good. From day 4-10 you may do milder work-outs than you normally do. It is important not to over exert yourself, as this will confuse your metabolism.
Is it important that I stick to the exact program and the times?
Yes, it is important you stick to the program, to experience all the benefits. You can be flexible with the time you eat your flex foods, you can eat them when you feel you need them most. The important thing is to take the different combinations of products, alternating each 2 hours.
What are the Continuation options after finishing the 10 Day Transformation?
Many Transformers feel the desire to keep going when the 10 days are over, to get more results. At that time, it is a great opportunity to in take advantage of the great feeling you have and of your body’s state of burning, detoxing and repair. You may incorporate the easy to use Superfood products and system, for another set period.
Here are a few ways to do it:
1) The “20 Day Continuation”; which is a 20 Day alternating regimen; one day the schedule you have already been following (minus the Super CLeansR *if you missed information on this, please ask), and next day, you would practice a new version of your “normal eating”. Your “normal” should be a new “normal”, as you have begun to install some new great habits and have new taste buds to play with.
2) The “15 Day Continuation”; which is 2 days on the existing schedule and one day off. Both of these will continue to trigger your metabolism and keep it wondering, without messing it up (by long term continued calorie restriction). As a general observation; you can expect to lose 40-70% of what you did, after measuring on the morning of Day 11.
3) The “30 Day Transition”; one day on, 2 days off. This Continuation/Transition gives you further responsibility in integrating new habits and better choices. You can expect to lose 25% of what you during the 10 Day Transformation.
4) Or another “10 Day Transformation”. You can still expect great results. This option is best if you do not want to deal yet with the responsibility of making good food choices and would like to continue to set in some the habits you have been practicing during the 10 Day Transformation.
What do I need to order to continue with a 15 or 20 Day Continuation?
You will need to order another:
*Shake (either same Power Shake or LOVE Shake; Love shakes has 1/3 more servings and is more expensive, similar superfoods and carbs but LOVE tastes also like rice protein; good but very different)
*Super Amino 23, 150 ct (Map/your proteins)
*Super Lytes or Ionic Elements (Electrolytes/rapid rehydration/sport drink basically, only good)
*If you would like to still have the fibery cleansing effect, then you will need to switch the “Super CleansR” to “Herbal Fiber Cleanse”.
The Super CleansR and Black Walnut, are best taken 10 in each 30 days, for “parasite maintenance”; they are great for other things as well but best only for 10 days; this has to do with the gestation period of most parasites (20-21days), so it makes the environment unpleasant enough that they will not flourish.
You will have enough Apotho-cherry for about 2 more Trans, depending on how much you used.
If you had Cracked Chlorella in your cleanse, then you will need another bottle.
When can I workout full force again?
The day after the transformational cleanse.
Do I need to make the same order after the 10 day transformation?
No, you are no longer required to purchase the CleanseR/Fiber/Walnut pills.
When can I workout full force again?
The day after your Transformation is complete.
Yes you can! please contact me. It is great helping people and making a nice commission at the same time. I am willing to support you with 14+ years of experience in personal training, weight loss, and holistic living.
Will you support me after the transformation, also if I become a distributor?
Yes, where it comes to the 10 day transformation process itself, I will. As a distributor, I will continue to support you. In fact, I support several distributors.