10 Day Transformation Review

This is a 10 Day Transformation review, from one of my favorite all time trainees.
I am so happy she decided to give the 10 Day Transformation a try, twice! 



I heard about the 10 Day Transformation, through my ex Personal Trainer, Chandra Lee Krohn.
Chandra and I trained together for three years, in Amsterdam, some years ago, before I moved to Paris.
I was a serious marathon runner, with already having completed 14 full marathons and many half-marathons.
In Paris, I gave birth to a wonderful boy, and since, I had not been running, working with a Personal Trainer,
or paying much attention to making sure I was getting the proper nutrition.

Before my 10 Day Transformation, I was not overweight, just hadn’t lost the extra weight after the birth of my son.
I was never an over eater; just too busy at home and at work to be bothered with doing the
“small meals more often in a day”, “super food smoothies” or “being prepared with healthy portable snacks”
that Chandra tried to push me to do.
It was rare for me to have breakfast and most of my meals were business lunches and dinners.

After seven years in Paris, I moved back to Amsterdam for a year, on my way back home to Boston.
Chandra was very excited about these new super food and protein products she had found from Southern California,
which were “both healthy, and help with weight loss”
(Chandra always said that the products on the market, did only one of these things).

Chandra would be introducing the 10 Day Transformation, in Holland, the summer I moved back to Boston,
so I decided to go for it and give it a try.
She had always been so involved in my nutrition when we were training and I trusted her 100%.
I was ecstatic to find how easy the program was to manage, with the demands of a 3-year old boy and a heavy work schedule.
Plus I felt so great during the Transformation! My skin was amazing and I lost about 10 pounds.

I decided to do a second, 10 Day Transformation a month later!
My sister did the first one with me and decided to join me for the second one as she had similar results with the first.
We also convinced my brother-in-law to give it a try this time too!

The second 10 Day Transformation was also easy; although I had to get more creative with the “Flex Meals”
(got a bit tired of cucumber and avocado with Himalayan Salt; the Facebook group helped me a lot here).
I felt great and got even more results.

From these Transformations I really learned how directly, energy and having a clear mind are correlated,
with what you put into your body. These super-foods, minerals, herbs and proteins did amazing things for me.
Anyone who would like to feel great, while they lose weight, I recommend the 10 Day Transformation.”

Ellen Hall

Purium Product
